Posts tagged fridge
May Wrap-Up

I don’t know about you, but time is just flying by this year. May felt like it was approx. one week long. But, I guess we got a lot done that week? Here are a few projects we worked on and fun things we did, hopefully you see something that will help you bring more joy and calm to your life!

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Change Your Life By Organizing Your Fridge

Healthy eating is a huge priority for me. Years ago, I made a promise to myself to keep nutritious options at my fingertips and to limit the amount of meals that I order out. How do you take a goal of consistently eating healthy and turn it into a lifestyle? Benjamin Franklin once said that “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” Heeding this advice, I make the time to grocery shop and prepare my food/fridge (almost) every week. This sets me up for success, as my fridge is most often stocked up with fresh fruits and vegetables, prepped meals and nutritious snack options.

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