Posts tagged organizing
Is Being Disorganized Costing You Money?

Organizing feels like a luxury, and you might feel guilty or irresponsible spending too much money on it. But there’s a logical fallacy here. Being disorganized costs you more money than you realize, and if you’re looking to invest in your home and your wellbeing, you are better off paying to get organized than living in a space that doesn’t function for you. Still skeptical? Let’s dig in.

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Things You Actually Want: A Holiday Gift Guide

Tell me if this happens to you, too: you think of things you want or need throughout the year (or ideas for family and friends), and then when the holidays come around you can’t remember any of it. Welcome to my life, especially as a new mom. In an effort to help you with your holiday shopping (and honestly, help myself too in the process 😜), I’ve written down some things my team and I have been loving and using consistently this year. They aren’t necessarily organizing products, but they are tools to make living easier, better, prettier, or more enjoyable. Let’s go!

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The Perfect Balance of Having Just Enough

“When we let go of the chase for more, and consciously examine and experience the resources we already have, we discover our resources are deeper than we knew or imagined.” - Lynne Twist

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Everything You Want To Know About Hiring Space Camp

If you’re a Space Camp newbie, this is for you! New clients often ask me what the process of working with us is like, so I thought it could be helpful to walk you through the process from beginning to end.

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May Wrap-Up

I don’t know about you, but time is just flying by this year. May felt like it was approx. one week long. But, I guess we got a lot done that week? Here are a few projects we worked on and fun things we did, hopefully you see something that will help you bring more joy and calm to your life!

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Organizing Meaningful Things

Last week I had the daunting task of traveling to Wichita, KS (where I was born and raised) to help my sister clean out a storage unit full of our childhood stuff. Boxes and bins of photos, video tapes, baby clothes, toys and books. Whew, I’m exhausted just writing about it.

From an organizational perspective, tidying anything that has sentimental value can be difficult. Whether it’s clothing we’ve grown out of, dishes that have cracked (but we used to love), or a couch we spent a decade watching movies on, choosing to part with something that has defined an era of our lives is emotional.

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Holiday Gift Guide: Our Favorite Organization Products to Give This Season

If your family or friends are looking for a little more simplicity and organization in their homes, here’s a round up of our favorite tools that will help make the process easy, fun, and beautiful.

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How to Keep Your Creative Space Organized Without Losing Your Creativity

Getting into the creative zone can be a lot like working out. Just getting your sneakers on is often the biggest hurdle in going for a run. And storing your yoga mat in an easily accessible spot means you’re less likely to skip your practice. Likewise, having your creative space and tools organized and easily accessible is half the battle. But how do you do that without letting the mess take over?

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The Beauty of Working Backwards (with Bre Chiero of Hungry Hipsters)

It’s hard to know exactly how to define Bre Chiero. She’s a gifted photographer who’s also an art director and a stylist. When she reached out to me in October of 2020 to schedule a consultation to organize her studio space, I looked up her Hungry Hipsters Instagram account and I was stunned; Bre’s feed is truly a work of art. Her use of color, her intricate flat lays, her unique styling -- I was so incredibly impressed I immediately became a superfan.

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Pandemic Pantry

A few months ago, my friend Natasha mentioned that her Instant Pot had been sitting on the dining room floor for over a year. “Wait, really?” I asked, mildly alarmed. “Yeah, where else is it supposed to go? All my storage space is full.” Natasha, like so many of us, had stocked up on supplies during the Covid pandemic, and again like so many of us, she’d run out of space. Being my former roommate, producing partner and my oldest friend in Los Angeles, I was obliged to help.

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Ariel Kaye's 5 Golden Rules For Staying Organized With Kids

Ariel Kaye, CEO and founder of Parachute Home, has a house that looks just like you’d imagine. Calm and peaceful with an abundance of gorgeous neutrals and textures. It’s a vibe, and from the first step through the door you can tell that she lives and breathes the essence of her company. What you can’t tell at first though, is that two tiny people under the age of three live there.

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Then and Now: Organizing in a Pandemic

March 17th and 18th, 2020: Los Angeles had mostly shut down. Everyone was panicking, grocery store shelves were empty, half of the city was already tucked away safely in their homes. A client had called a few days earlier: she and her boyfriend broke up and she was moving into an apartment alone: could we help her unpack before the world went into hiding? She was overwhelmed and not sure how to do it herself. My immediate answer, yes.

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Organize Your Under Sink

It’s been about a month since “safer at home” started here in Los Angeles, and I don’t know about you but I’ve gotten a littttttle stir crazy. I’ve reorganized my pantry, my craft supplies, the with all the extra cleaning supplies we’ve had around lately, I decided it was time to tackle the area under my kitchen sink.

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