Posts tagged Los Angeles organizer
6 Home Organizing Myths Explained

We are here to take a look at some of the most circulated organizing misconceptions and set the record straight. In this post, we will explore 6 home organization myths to help you figure out exactly what you should and shouldn’t focus on with your own home organizing journey. 

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The Space Camp Guide to Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning has always felt like a double edged sword to me. On one hand, the weather is getting nicer, the days are getting longer, and I finally feel like I have the energy to tackle some projects that have been on my list all winter.

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3 Things You Can Organize Today To Make Your Week (Much) Better

It’s Monday! Whether that fills you with joy or dread (or somewhere in between) here are three relatively simple things you can organize that I promise will make your week go smoother.

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Organizing Meaningful Things

Last week I had the daunting task of traveling to Wichita, KS (where I was born and raised) to help my sister clean out a storage unit full of our childhood stuff. Boxes and bins of photos, video tapes, baby clothes, toys and books. Whew, I’m exhausted just writing about it.

From an organizational perspective, tidying anything that has sentimental value can be difficult. Whether it’s clothing we’ve grown out of, dishes that have cracked (but we used to love), or a couch we spent a decade watching movies on, choosing to part with something that has defined an era of our lives is emotional.

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