Posts tagged los angeles
Tiny Clothes Getting You Down? Read On…

We did a poll on Instagram recently and overwhelmingly (and expectedly) the response was that parents are desperate for a better solution for organizing baby & kids clothes. As a newish parent myself, I deeply identify with this struggle.

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Is Being Disorganized Costing You Money?

Organizing feels like a luxury, and you might feel guilty or irresponsible spending too much money on it. But there’s a logical fallacy here. Being disorganized costs you more money than you realize, and if you’re looking to invest in your home and your wellbeing, you are better off paying to get organized than living in a space that doesn’t function for you. Still skeptical? Let’s dig in.

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What to Get Your Dad for Father's Day

I feel like dads can be notoriously hard to buy for. My dad always buys things he needs right away (he’s v. into efficiency, and shopping), so it requires a lot of ingenuity and Googling to find him something he hasn’t already gotten for himself. If this is the same for you and your dad, fret not! I’ve done the research and amassed what I think is a pretty great list for any dad in your life.

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Mother's Day Gift Roundup

Mother’s Day is right around the corner, and since it’s my first year as a mom I decided it would be fun to make a gift guide of what the moms of the world want right now (at least, what I want right now 😜). I hope this helps spark your imagination and make the hardest-working women you know happy and surprised.

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The Space Camp Guide to Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning has always felt like a double edged sword to me. On one hand, the weather is getting nicer, the days are getting longer, and I finally feel like I have the energy to tackle some projects that have been on my list all winter.

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Things You Actually Want: A Holiday Gift Guide

Tell me if this happens to you, too: you think of things you want or need throughout the year (or ideas for family and friends), and then when the holidays come around you can’t remember any of it. Welcome to my life, especially as a new mom. In an effort to help you with your holiday shopping (and honestly, help myself too in the process 😜), I’ve written down some things my team and I have been loving and using consistently this year. They aren’t necessarily organizing products, but they are tools to make living easier, better, prettier, or more enjoyable. Let’s go!

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The Perfect Balance of Having Just Enough

“When we let go of the chase for more, and consciously examine and experience the resources we already have, we discover our resources are deeper than we knew or imagined.” - Lynne Twist

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3 Things You Can Organize Today To Make Your Week (Much) Better

It’s Monday! Whether that fills you with joy or dread (or somewhere in between) here are three relatively simple things you can organize that I promise will make your week go smoother.

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Everything You Want To Know About Hiring Space Camp

If you’re a Space Camp newbie, this is for you! New clients often ask me what the process of working with us is like, so I thought it could be helpful to walk you through the process from beginning to end.

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How to Organize Your Closet (And Keep It That Way)

Spring is (finally) in full swing here in Los Angeles and that means it’s the perfect time to revamp your wardrobe and give your closet a makeover. Here are our foolproof steps for editing your wardrobe, organizing your closet, and maintaining it for good.

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Organizing Meaningful Things

Last week I had the daunting task of traveling to Wichita, KS (where I was born and raised) to help my sister clean out a storage unit full of our childhood stuff. Boxes and bins of photos, video tapes, baby clothes, toys and books. Whew, I’m exhausted just writing about it.

From an organizational perspective, tidying anything that has sentimental value can be difficult. Whether it’s clothing we’ve grown out of, dishes that have cracked (but we used to love), or a couch we spent a decade watching movies on, choosing to part with something that has defined an era of our lives is emotional.

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How to Keep Your Creative Space Organized Without Losing Your Creativity

Getting into the creative zone can be a lot like working out. Just getting your sneakers on is often the biggest hurdle in going for a run. And storing your yoga mat in an easily accessible spot means you’re less likely to skip your practice. Likewise, having your creative space and tools organized and easily accessible is half the battle. But how do you do that without letting the mess take over?

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The Color Coordinated Closet

Are you ready to take the leap and color-coordinate your closet? Here’s what you need to know!

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DVDo's and DVDont's

Remember when DVDs came out and compared to VHS tapes they were so sleek and modern OMG and now they’re basically extinct and computers don’t even come with DVD drives anymore? We’re living in a time where technology is sprinting along and our little analog brains are like, wait, what am I supposed to do with all this stuff I bought over the last few decades? Well good news, I’m here to tell you that I have all the answers! (Just kidding, kind of). I don’t have all the answers, but I definitely have some guidance for you, so if you have piles of plastic cases bumming you out in your living room, read on my friend.

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Organize Your Pantry Like a Pro

Pantries are my number one favorite space to organize. Why?! I love to cook, I think food is beautiful when it’s displayed in pretty baskets and jars, and I love the challenge of making sense of small spaces. But you don’t need to be a professional to have a pantry that functions perfectly. Read on to see how!

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