Posts tagged Julianna strickland
Tiny Clothes Getting You Down? Read On…

We did a poll on Instagram recently and overwhelmingly (and expectedly) the response was that parents are desperate for a better solution for organizing baby & kids clothes. As a newish parent myself, I deeply identify with this struggle.

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Is Being Disorganized Costing You Money?

Organizing feels like a luxury, and you might feel guilty or irresponsible spending too much money on it. But there’s a logical fallacy here. Being disorganized costs you more money than you realize, and if you’re looking to invest in your home and your wellbeing, you are better off paying to get organized than living in a space that doesn’t function for you. Still skeptical? Let’s dig in.

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What to Get Your Dad for Father's Day

I feel like dads can be notoriously hard to buy for. My dad always buys things he needs right away (he’s v. into efficiency, and shopping), so it requires a lot of ingenuity and Googling to find him something he hasn’t already gotten for himself. If this is the same for you and your dad, fret not! I’ve done the research and amassed what I think is a pretty great list for any dad in your life.

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Baby Things I Can't Live Without (and what I wouldn't buy again)

I had a baby nearly four months ago and I’m here to tell you, as a new parent, you will use a few things all the time and everything else very few times. Like every person embarking on parenthood, hindsight is always 20/20. I’m here to be your guide and tell you what has been invaluable for me and what I’d definitely recommend skipping.

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Everything You Want To Know About Hiring Space Camp

If you’re a Space Camp newbie, this is for you! New clients often ask me what the process of working with us is like, so I thought it could be helpful to walk you through the process from beginning to end.

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May Wrap-Up

I don’t know about you, but time is just flying by this year. May felt like it was approx. one week long. But, I guess we got a lot done that week? Here are a few projects we worked on and fun things we did, hopefully you see something that will help you bring more joy and calm to your life!

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Organizing Meaningful Things

Last week I had the daunting task of traveling to Wichita, KS (where I was born and raised) to help my sister clean out a storage unit full of our childhood stuff. Boxes and bins of photos, video tapes, baby clothes, toys and books. Whew, I’m exhausted just writing about it.

From an organizational perspective, tidying anything that has sentimental value can be difficult. Whether it’s clothing we’ve grown out of, dishes that have cracked (but we used to love), or a couch we spent a decade watching movies on, choosing to part with something that has defined an era of our lives is emotional.

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How to Keep Your Creative Space Organized Without Losing Your Creativity

Getting into the creative zone can be a lot like working out. Just getting your sneakers on is often the biggest hurdle in going for a run. And storing your yoga mat in an easily accessible spot means you’re less likely to skip your practice. Likewise, having your creative space and tools organized and easily accessible is half the battle. But how do you do that without letting the mess take over?

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A Closet Edit with Alyssa Coscarelli

Alyssa Coscarelli is a lot of things: fashion writer, sunglasses designer, creative consultant (to name a few). But to me, her most defining characteristic is her creativity and how it translates into her signature style. She builds effortless outfits from the most incongruous pieces, and she’s personally inspired me to step outside of my usual jeans/t-shirt/dress box. But while Alyssa may be a mage when it comes to putting together outfits, the clothes don’t appear out of thin air. Sourcing, collecting, and wearing clothing is her job, and while she has a unique ability for accumulating a lot of it, she’s also left with the complicated task of figuring out how to store everything.

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